West Ethylene Pipeline Compressor Station

Client: Petrochemical Industries Development Management
Company (PIDMCO)

  • CS -1 Located at Assaluyeh(feed supply point)
  • CS -4 Located at Tang-e-Fanni
  • CS -5 Located at Pyaz Abad

General Contractor: OTC
C&I Contractor: Kerman Tablo Co. KTC
Status: Hand over to client
KTC supplied all equipment, machineries, commodities,
apparatus and materials in the fields of electrical, instrument,
control and telecommunication system with all auxiliary and
accessory items
KTC Scope of work:
NPC/PIDEMCO have intended to perform ethylene gas transmission pipeline and gas compressor station from Assaluyeh and GACHSARAN to MAHABAD/MIYANDOAB for petrochemical planets with a 24” gas transmission pipeline and some gas compressor stations.


27 October
The 12th International Electricity Exhibition of IRAN
18 September
License for Inductrial Automation & IT
28 May
2nd Internatinal Railway Exhibition
19 May
Kermantablo in Southern Pars 20th & 21srt Phases